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[財務管理] week6 Bond Valuation

資產評價: 資產的價值是在存續期間內,預期現金流量的折現值和


時間 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

金額 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80


Contractual provisions of a bond 契約內容

 par value (F)

 maturity (T)

 coupon payment ( C )

 discount rate ( r )

 price (B)


A bond has a specific cash flow pattern consisting of a stream of constant interest payments plus the return of par at maturity.

Types of bonds-債券的種類

Government bonds - Treasury, FNMA, GNMA,…

municipal bonds

corporate bonds

mortgage bonds

junks bonds 垃圾債券 高風險高報酬 通常是公司急缺資金面臨破產或是缺臨門一腳等情況下發行

convertible bonds 可轉換債券 指債券持有人有權利把債券換成股票。


callable bonds 可贖回債券 權利在公司手上,公司可買回股票

zero coupon bonds


premium bond 這種coupon payment比較多,因此比較喜歡,價錢較高

at par bond 持平

discount bond 與premium bond相反

Computing Yield-to-maturity

到期報酬率 The rate required in the market on a bond.

The yield to maturity (YTM) is that discount rate which equates the present value of a bond’s cash flows to its price. In other words, it is the promised rate of return on the bond.

當期報酬率-Current yield

The current yield on a bond is the coupon yield expected in the coming year, while a bond’s capital gains yield is the coming year’s return due to price changes: and, since

YTM= Current yield + Capital gains yield,

Capital gains yield = YTM- Current yield

資本利得率:Capital gains yield = (V1-V0)/V0


因此(V1-V0)/V0 應是指每一期,下一期就變成(V2-V1)/V1。

Bond Prices: Relationship Between Coupon and Yield

• If YTM = coupon rate, then par value = bond price

• If YTM > coupon rate, then par value > bond price

Why? Selling at a discount, called a discount bond

• If YTM < coupon rate, then par value < bond price

Why? Selling at a premium, called a premium bond


Interest rate risk is the risk that a bond will lose value if interest rates rise. (Note that interest rate risk is also called “Price risk.”)


The Fisher Effect

• The Fisher Effect defines the relationship between real rates, nominal rates and inflation

• (1 + i) = (1 + r)(1 + f), where

• i = nominal rate

• r = real rate

• f = expected inflation rate

• Approximation • i = r + f


r_f risk free rate

f 通膨





Term Structure of Interest Rates

• Term structure is the relationship between time to maturity and yields, all else equal

• It is important to recognize that we pull out the effect of default risk, different coupons, etc.

• Yield curve – graphical representation of the term structure

• Normal – upward-sloping, long-term yields are higher than short-term yields

• Inverted – downward-sloping, long-term yields are lower than short-term yields


Factors Affecting Required Return

• Default risk premium – remember bond ratings BBB以上投資等級

• Taxability premium – remember municipal versus taxable

• Liquidity premium – bonds that have more frequent trading will generally have lower required returns • Anything else that affects the risk of the cash flows to the bondholders will affect the required returns

Valuation of Stocks






新無產階級專政 報章雜誌指沒有什麼股票但擁有公司的所有權

委託書proxy voting or proxy fight


資金成本: 為什麼使用股本比使用債券還貴?

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