[財務管理] 第一次小考考古題
1. Earning per share is equal to: (A). net income divided by the total number of shares outstanding. (B). net income divided by the par...
[會計] Week4 The Accounting Cycle: The Mechanics of Accounting
上禮拜作業常見問題: 1.分錄不加$ dollar sign 2.Revenue and Expense 要寫出來 Utility Expense 3.科目字首大寫 Notes Payable 4.Notes Payable, Accounts Receivable,...
[會計學] Week3 做分錄
上禮拜作業檢討: 資產負債表 告訴我們在這個時間點的狀況 因此不會有費用收入等一整年的科目,只會在損益表出現。 1. 科目不行縮寫 按照流動性 Cash->Accounts Receivable 2. 損益表科目不包含於資產負債表 3. Dollar sign 4. 表頭...